Readers of these reports may have noticed that we are now referring to our company as LPPFusion, Inc., not Lawrenceville Plasma Physics, Inc, and using the initials LPPF, not LPP. We are in the process of changing our name. While we have not yet changed the legal name of the company, we have wanted to drop the “Lawrenceville” name, which is confusing, since we have not been located in the town of Lawrenceville, NJ for years and our lab is in Middlesex, NJ. In addition our old name did not really say what we are doing, which is developing fusion energy. We expect that it will take time to get everyone, including the media, to start using our new name, so in the interim you can expect to see both names in use. Eventually, we will change the legal name as well. Lawrenceville Plasma Physics, Inc. will be history, but LPPFusion, Inc. will be carrying on—same team, new name.

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